1. You've distributed your content, but it's not getting the engagement you had hoped for. What are some ways to increase your audience's engagement with your content?<Content>, <Audience engagement methods>
  2. Your content has been shared widely, but now you need to sustain that momentum. What are some strategies for keeping your content fresh and gaining new followers over time?<Content refreshment>, <Follower growth strategies>
  3. Your client has provided you with a specific target audience for their <product/service>. How do you use audience research to tailor your copy to effectively speak to the needs and desires of this group?
  4. A client has asked you to create a meta description for their homepage. How can you craft a compelling and concise description while also incorporating relevant keywords?
  5. Your client is launching a new <product/service> in a competitive market with many established players. How do you write copy that highlights the unique value proposition and makes the brand stand out to potential customers?
  6. A competitor has recently launched a successful <product/service> and you've been tasked with writing copy for your client's comparable offering. What strategies do you employ to differentiate your client's offering and stand out among similar products/services?
  7. You've been tasked with writing copy for a new <product/service>, but aren't sure where to start. What research techniques do you use to identify key selling points and unique features to highlight in your copy?
  8. Your team is conducting keyword research for a new website. What tools and techniques do you use to identify low competition, high volume keywords that can be realistically targeted?
  9. You've been asked to optimize the <alt> tags for the images on a webpage. How can you ensure the tags are both descriptive for screen readers and optimized for search engines?
  10. You've been given a blog post to optimize for a specific keyword. What are some on-page SEO techniques you can use to ensure the post is well-optimized for search engines?
  11. You're tasked with optimizing the <title> tag for a webpage. What are some key elements you should consider when crafting a title that is both SEO-friendly and engaging for users?
  12. You've written copy for a <landing page/email campaign/blog post> that isn't converting as well as expected. What analysis do you conduct to identify areas for improvement and optimize for better results?
  13. Your company is expanding its product line, and you need to develop buyer personas for these new products. How will you integrate these personas with your current marketing strategy to effectively reach your target audience?
  14. You want to create a blog for your business, but don't know what content to include. What steps do you take in curating engaging and relevant content for your readers?
  15. Your content has received negative feedback from a particular sector of your audience. How do you address their concerns and adjust your strategy without alienating the rest of your readership?
  16. The <industry> market has been consistently declining over the past year. How do you adjust your buyer persona to accurately reflect the current market and its challenges?
  17. You have an idea for a <type of content>, but don't know how to develop it. What's the first step you take in bringing your vision to life?
  18. Your marketing team has identified a new market segment to target, but you are unsure how to develop a buyer persona for this group. What steps will you take to research and create a successful persona?
  19. Your <platform> is being flooded with content on a particular topic. How do you differentiate yourself and cater to a unique audience?
  20. You've noticed that your competitors are producing content that seems to be performing better than yours. What methods do you use to analyze their strategy and tactics, and how do you adapt your content to stay competitive?